The Calendar widget
The Calendar is your personal timetable. On your personal homepage and every Course Home, you'll find the Calendar widget. Here, you can see at a glance when the next event is coming up in one of your courses. On your personal homepage, you can see all events of all courses in your Calendar widget. If you open the Calendar widget on a Course homepage, you can only see the events that apply to the course you are in. Deadlines (Due Dates) are also marked as events in your Calendar. On your personal homepage, you can find the Calendar on the bottom right below Announcements. On a Course homepage, the Calendar is also on the right.
The Calendar widget is comprised of two parts:
- The calendar: this is the calendar view. The date highlighted in blue is the current date. Dates with a blue dot are dates with an event.
- Upcoming events: this is a list of events that are coming up. Click the arrow to collapse or expand these events.
Click the date or the arrow to collapse the Calendar widget as a whole.
The Calendar
- Click Calendar at the top of the widget to open the Calendar.
In your Calendar, you can see events from the calendars of every course you are in. Using the various tabs, you can choose how you want these calendars to appear:
- Agenda: peruse the events for today and tomorrow or for the entire week. In this view, you can also sort events by date, course or category.
- Day: view a day in your calendar per hour.
- Week: view a week in your calendar.
- Month: view a month in your calendar.
- List: view all your upcoming events in a sorted list. You can use this view as well to filter events by date, course or category.
Use the arrows to determine what unit of time you want the various views to show. Using these arrows, you can go forward a day, week or month, depending on what view you are in.
You can find the calendar on the right side of the screen. If a date has a dot below it, it means there is an event on that day. If you click a date, the widget will take you to an overview of that particular day.
Filtering, sorting, and searching in the Calendar
There are different ways to filter and sort events in your calendar. Some of those ways depend on what view you are using.
- Use Search Events to search for a specific event.
Agenda view:
When using the agenda view, you can sort events by:
- Date: sort events by date with the first occurring event at the top. Use the arrows on the left to determine which day's events you are seeing.
- Course: sort events by course.
- Category: sort events by category.
List view:
Using the list view, you can sort events by category (assignments, checklists, discussions, grades, materials, modules, quizzes or surveys).
- Click a category after Filter By to see only the events from that category.
- Click Clear all filters to see all events.
- Click the arrows to see All events, Upcoming events, or Past events.
The coloured dots before every event indicate what course the event belongs to. You can also filter in the Calendar what course calendars you would like to see at once.
Choosing Calendars
- Click the arrow after the calendar name. In the list that opens, you can see the calendars of your courses. The calendar in the highlighted bar indicates what course you are in.
- Click a course to open the Calendar of that particular course.
- Click the X after a course name to hide the events of that calendar.
- Click Show All Calendars to display the events of all calendars.
- Click the plus sign to add a calendar's events to your own.
- Click the computer icon to change a calendar's dot color.

- Choose the desired calendar below Calendar Colours.
- Pick a colour.
- Click Done.
Viewing events
The various view options display events in a different way:
- Agenda view: this view sorts events in blocks listed consecutively. You can see the event name, description, time, and what calendar it belongs to. You can go directly to the associated activity by clicking it.
- Day view: this view organizes events in colored blocks. Click one of these blocks to see the name, description, time, and what calendar it belongs to. Click More to open an event.
- Week view: this view organizes events in colored blocks. Click one of these blocks to see the name, description, time, and what calendar it belongs to. Click More to open an event.
- Month view: this view organizes events in colored blocks. Click one of these blocks to see the name, description, time, and what calendar it belongs to. Click More to open an event.
- List view: all events are sorted in a list. Click the arrow on the right to open an event.
- Click the name of the course to see all events in blocks per date (the most recent event is at the top).