Every course in Brightspace has it's own Kaltura Course Gallery. Here you can post videos here that you have previously uploaded to Kaltura My Media.
Posting media in the Course Gallery
- Navigate to Activities in navbar of your Brightspace course.
- Click Kaltura Course Gallery.
- Click Add Media.
- In My Media select the video that you wish to add.
- Click the blue Publish button in the top right corner of the screen. Your video will now be added to the Course Gallery. It will directly be visible for the teacher(s) of that Brightspace course.
Please note! The standard settings of the Course Gallery will only show your video to your fellow students after the teacher has approved it. In that case it will say All media was published successfully. Note that your media will not be listed until a moderator approves it. As soon as your teacher approves the video it will be visible to your fellow students in the Course Gallery.

In the Course Gallery, you will see the notification Your additional media will be presented once it is ready and approved until your teacher has approved the video.
In My Media you can also see if your video has already been approved by the teacher. Videos that have yet to be approved will be labeled Pending. Videos that have already been approved and published in the Course Gallery will be labeled Published.
If you want to know how to add a video from Kaltura to an assignment, read the following article How do I hand in a video assignment with Kaltura?