When your teacher has assessed your assignment, you can see this both in your Assignments and Grades.

- Navigate to Activities in the navbar of your course.
- Click Assignments.
Assignments will show you an overview of all assignments within the course.
- Below Completion Status you will see whether you have (Submitted) or have not (Not Submitted) submitted an assignment.
- Below Score you will see the acquired score.
- Below Evaluation Status you will see whether the teacher has provided feedback or not. Click Unread/Read to view the feedback.
Lecturers can change the feedback even after you have read it, for example by adding annotations. Below Evaluation Status the status will then change from Read to Unread.
On the feedback page you will find the following:
- below Submission Feedback the feedback the teacher has provided;
- below Score the score acquired;
- below Feedback Date the date on which the feedback was provided;
- below Assignment which assignment you are dealing with;
- below Group Category to which group category the assignment belongs;
- below Group Name which group submitted the assignment;
- below Submission ID the ID number that belongs to the submitted assignment;
- below Submission(s) the file you have submitted.

If the teacher is working with a Rubric, the rubric they have used will appear on the Feedback page. For each criteria you will see your personal score displayed in blue.
It is also possible to view the grade you received for an assignment in Grades.

- Navigate to Activities in the navbar of your course.
- Click Grades.
In Grades you will see all Activities you could be assessed for in your grade book.
- Below Grade Item you will see which quiz, assignment or discussion you are dealing with.
- Below Points you will see the number of points you have acquired.
- Below Grade you will see your definitive grade, possibly rounded up.
- Below Assessment and Feedback you will find the commentary the teacher has provided.