After you have registered for a course, test, minor or specialisation, you can see what you are registered for in the Enrolment menu.
Go to > Enrol
Select the Enrolment icon in the main menu.

Select the link SHOW MY ENROLMENTS

1. The COURSES tab shows your Course registrations.
2. The TESTS tab shows your Test registrations.
3. The MINORS tab shows your enrolments on a MINOR (please note that there is a difference between a package of courses that make up a minor (you will find these on the COURSES tab), and a course with the word 'minor' in the title, as well as a course that you include in a minor space).
4. The SPECIALISATIONS tab shows your enrolment in a Specialisation (the courses from the Specialisation can be found on the COURSES tab).
5. If you are ON a WAITING LIST, you can see here for which course(s) you have been put on a waiting list.
6. Underneath the waiting list listing you will see your regular ENROLMENTS.
7. Initially, you see your active enrolments. At the top right, you can view your (course/test) enrolment history.