Students with a disability are entitled to extra facilities to help them take exams. Examples of facilities include extra time, or the use of a laptop. In order to be eligible for previsions, these must be allocated by the board of examiners. Click here to see how this works. Once the facilities have been assigned, they are registered in OSIIS. This instruction shows how you can see which facilities have been assigned to you.
Go to: > My details > Voorzieningen

Select the menu button in the upper left corner of the home page, and choose "My details". Then choose "Facilities".

You can now see which facilities are assigned to you. Each facility may have its own explanatory text. In addition, facilities may have limited validity. If the right to a facility has expired, you will no longer be able to use it for a test. Finally, for each facility it is indicated whether it has been granted by default. This means that when registering for a test this facility is automatically checked. You can always decide to turn off a facility that is checked on by default, and vice versa when you register for the test.