In case of an emergency (and when you cannot be reached yourself), Radboud University would like to be able to contact a relative or acquaintance of you as a student. The contact details you initially provided via Studielink or via an application process (not every process asks this information) are duplicated by Radboud University in OSIRIS.
Please note: With every re-enrolment, new request for enrolment in Studielink, or new application process in which the question for contact information is asked, you will be asked to (re-)enter these contact details. In OSIRIS the data will subsequently be overwritten so that only the most recent data are transferred. If you wish, you can change the data in OSIRIS at any time to keep them up to date. The instruction outlines how this works.
Click on your picture in the upper right corner of the home screen, then click the button 'MY DETAILS', or click the 'EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION' button.
Go to: > Additional information

Go to the tab 'Additional information' and click the pencil icon after 'Emergency data'.