Goal: Students can initiate a Case for the purpose of thesis assessment
Concerns: Students of the Faculty of Social Sciences
On the next page: click on the red '+' button at the bottom of the screen.

Next, click on the red button next to 'Thesis assessment ... ' (please note, the name of the Case to be chosen may differ from the image below).
Your study programme is already being selected in the next window. Then click on 'SUBMIT' (please note, if you are participating in more than one course, you will also see the other courses in this overview).

Your Case has now been successfully submitted (started). Now click 'Upload thesis ' in the gray window to upload your thesis.
The following window appears (on the right).
Then click the 'THESE UPLOAD' button and fill in the missing (required*) data in the follow-up window. (Note: in some cases the First and Second Assessor is already filled in for you. So you do not need to fill them in again).
To upload the thesis, choose the 'BROWSE' button.
Notice. The thesis has to be submitted as a PDF file and cannot be larger than 20MB! If your PDF file is larger than 20MB, follow these easy steps to split your PDF file into multiple, separate files. If necessary, you can upload them as additional attachment(s) (with a maximum of 5 files).
After you have added your thesis, add a Remark if desired (optional) and finally click the 'SAVE' button (you will receive a message 'Form saved').
The form is now saved. Finally, check all the data and then click the 'SUBMIT' button.

Your task is now completed (a message appears on the screen 'Task completed'). Your thesis now has been submitted and ready for grading.
Note. In the above window a Deadline for submitting your thesis (in this case, 03-07-2023) is shown. If this deadline has been passed and you have not yet submitted the thesis, your Case will be cancelled. From that moment on it is no longer possible to submit your thesis. In that case, contact your supervisor.
Note. After you have submitted your thesis you will receive a confirmation of your submission by email from Ouriginal (with Subject: [Ouriginal] Confirmation of receipt ... ), the plagiarism control software tool of Radboud University. This mail is only for your information, you don't have to do anything with it!
You can close this window now by returning to the Home page via the Home button (top left of the menu bar).

How do you track the progress of your (active) Case?
Your thesis will now be reviewed within a certain period of time. Once the grade has been determined, we will notify you by e-mail. Also, the progress of your (pending) Case can be followed at all times via the 'Cases' button in the left menu bar on the Home page.
In the next window, click on (the name of) your active Case.
Then an overview appears (on the right side) showing the progress of your Case.
And finally, under the 'DOCUMENTS & FORMS' tab, you will find your submitted thesis.