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How does Kaltura work?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) Brightspace Video: Kaltura, Virtual Classroom, weblectures
How can I see who participates in my course?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) Brightspace Administration: groups, classlist
How do I fill out a survey?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) Brightspace Activities: Quizzes and Surveys
How do I take a Self Assessment?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) Brightspace Activities: Quizzes and Surveys
How can I resubmit assignments?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) Brightspace Activities: Assignments
What can I find under Overview?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) Brightspace Content: Overview, Course Schedule and Table of Contents
Hoe werkt een Virtual Classroom breakout room?
Updated onArticleWerkinstructies en handleidingen (NL) Brightspace Student Video: Kaltura, Virtual Classroom, weblectures
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Hoe werkt Virtual Classroom?
Updated onArticleWerkinstructies en handleidingen (NL) Brightspace Student Video: Kaltura, Virtual Classroom, weblectures
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Hoe kan ik een geĆ¼ploade video downloaden?
Updated onArticleWerkinstructies en handleidingen (NL) Brightspace Student Video: Kaltura, Virtual Classroom, weblectures
Hoe maak ik een schermopname met Kaltura Capture?
Updated onArticleWerkinstructies en handleidingen (NL) Brightspace Student Video: Kaltura, Virtual Classroom, weblectures