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Hoe kan ik werken met tags in mijn ePortfolio?
Updated onArticleWerkinstructies en handleidingen (NL) Brightspace Student ePortfolio: Bouwen van een portfolio
Waar kan ik de OSIRIS app downloaden?
Updated onArticleWerkinstructies en handleidingen (NL) OSIRIS Student (NL) Algemeen
How can I add courses to my calender?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) OSIRIS Student (EN) Agenda
How can I reply a note from my study advisor?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) OSIRIS Student (EN) Messages, notes and documents
Who is my study advisor?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) OSIRIS Student (EN) Mentoring
Where can I see which facilities for testing I am entitled to?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) OSIRIS Student (EN) Mentoring
How can I apply facilities for tests?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) OSIRIS Student (EN) Mentoring
How can I delete courses from my calender?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) OSIRIS Student (EN) Agenda
Why are courses I registered for, not automatically in my calender?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) OSIRIS Student (EN) Agenda
How can I check messages sent by the Radboud University?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) OSIRIS Student (EN) Messages, notes and documents