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How can I check messages sent by the Radboud University?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) Osiris Student (EN) Messages, notes and documents
Where can I find the notes about me?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) Osiris Student (EN) Messages, notes and documents
How can I check my study progress?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) Osiris Student (EN) Grades and progress
How can I check the calculation of my final grade?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) Osiris Student (EN) Grades and progress
Where can I find the grades of my tests?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) Osiris Student (EN) Grades and progress
How do I find all tests that are currently open for registration?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) Osiris Student (EN) Registering/Deregistering
What is the deadline for registering a course or a test?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) Osiris Student (EN) Registering/Deregistering
Which browser gives the most optimal experience with OSIRIS Student?
Updated onArticleManuals and instructions (ENG) Osiris Student (EN) General
Waar kan ik zien op welke voorzieningen voor toetsen ik recht heb?
Updated onArticleWerkinstructies en handleidingen (NL) Osiris Student (NL) Begeleiding
Wie zijn mijn studieadviseurs?
Updated onArticleWerkinstructies en handleidingen (NL) Osiris Student (NL) Begeleiding