
Best practice: creating presentations in my ePortfolio

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This manual shows what kind of different possibilities and settings there are when creating a presentation in your ePortfolio. The various settings are explained below based on three example presentations. A manual for creating a basic presentation can be found here.

Example presentation 1

Various types of artefacts have been placed in this presentation. Below you can read what the differences are and how you can place an artifact in a presentation.

The red square - adding text

The red square contains a text that is written directly in the presentation. How you do that is described below.

Create a presentation.

  1. Click on Content/Layout.
  2. Click Add Component.
  3. Click Text area.
  1. Enter the name of the text file. This will not be visible in the presentation itself.
  2. In Content *, enter the text that should be displayed in the presentation.
  3. Click Save and Close.

The orange square - adding different artifacts

The orange square contains artefacts that have been placed in the presentation. The person with whom you share the presentation can download these artefacts from the presentation. How you place an artefact in the presentation is described below.

  1. Click on Content/Layout.
  2. Click Add Component.
  3. Click Artefact.
  1. Select one or more artefacts.
  2. Click Add.

The green square - adding a link

The green square is in Content Area 2. This is a different content area than Content Area 1. You can opt to position the artefacts here which you want to have next to the Content Area 1. For example, a reflection that is about an artefact positioned in Content Area 1.

In the green square there is a link to a reflection. This link refers to the item in your ePortfolio. It is thus possible to react directly to the item, add reflections to it or even edit it. A description of how this is done can be found below. It is also possible to put the document in your presentation yourself, but this will take up more space in your presentation.

Beware; if you put a link in a presentation, the recipient must have the document in his ePortfolio. Always share the item itself with the recipient, if you have not done this before.

  1.  Click on Content/Layout.
  2.  Click Add Component.
  3.  Click on Text Area.
  1. Type an Area Name.
  2. Click on the Insert Quick-link button.
  3. Choose an ePortfolio Item.
  1. Click My Items.
  1. Select the Item.

Then click Save and Close. The link is now in the presentation.

Example presentation 2

In presentation two there are four distinct techniques used to edit the presentation. You can change the font of your presentation, change the layout of your presentation, show a video directly or put your personal information. How you do this is explained below.

Adjusting the layout

  1. In the Content/Layout tab, click Edit Presentation Navigation to change the location of the table of contents bar. You can put the table of contents on the left, the right or on top of the content.
  2. Click Edit Page Layout to adjust the layout of the presentation. You can opt for two content boxes or one content box. The second content box will be placed next to the first. 

The blue square - adjusting the font

  1. Click on the Theme tab.
  2. Then click on the icon to the right of the example theme.

When selecting a theme you can determine more than just the background. You can adjust the entire design of the presentation. The font, the colors, the style and you can even upload your own pictures as a background.

  1. Click All Areas to select the area you want to adjust. Then click Apply.
  2. Drag the scroll bar to select the desired item.
  3. Click on this icon to reset the settings to the original values.

In the orange square you can change the settings of the selected area.

The purple square - adding a video

You can place a video of up to 100 MB in the presentation.

The black square - adding personal information

You can put your personal profile information in your presentation all at once. This is done as follows:

  1. Click Content/Layout.
  2. Click Add Component.
  3. Scroll down.
  4. Click Information from my profile.

The information has now been added.

Adding assignment feedback to your presentation

When you have made an assignment well, you may want to show the received feedback in your presentation. This is done as follows:

  1. Go to the course where the assignment is located and click on Activities
  2. Click on Assignments

At the desired assignment, click View Feedback

A screen similar to that shown above will apear, with a summary of the feedback you have received.

  1. Click on Add to ePortfolio.

A window appears similar to that shown above.

  1. Check Include assignment files with the artifact to have blue hyperlinks in your feedback to the original documents that you have submitted. The only thing that this option changes is that a link to the files you have submitted will be is added. The format of the feedback however, remains the same.
  2. Give the feedback artifact a name.
  3. Give the artefact a description and/or tags (optional).
  4. Click on the blue Add button.

The feedback item is now added to your ePortfolio! It is now possible to add it to your presentation. Adding the feedback to your presentation works the same as adding other items to your presentation.

An example of feedback added to a presentation is shown above. The feedback artefact is the same as any other artefact. The clickable link opens a new screen with the feedback of your assignment (displayed on the left).

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